all postcodes in OL5 / ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE

find any address or company within the OL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL5 9AA 21 2 53.512604 -2.040435
OL5 9AB 36 11 53.51405 -2.04063
OL5 9AD 1 1 53.514815 -2.040844
OL5 9AF 7 0 53.51477 -2.040497
OL5 9AG 7 0 53.515058 -2.040618
OL5 9AH 1 1 53.515202 -2.040181
OL5 9AJ 13 3 53.515337 -2.040966
OL5 9AL 1 1 53.515813 -2.039654
OL5 9AN 44 0 53.518186 -2.040365
OL5 9AQ 6 0 53.51522 -2.040694
OL5 9AS 6 0 53.521503 -2.036233
OL5 9AT 4 0 53.520587 -2.037291
OL5 9AX 11 0 53.525406 -2.032392
OL5 9AY 89 28 53.522582 -2.034409
OL5 9AZ 6 0 53.522277 -2.035256
OL5 9BA 3 0 53.522655 -2.033672
OL5 9BB 16 7 53.525981 -2.031138
OL5 9BD 8 6 53.526116 -2.031968
OL5 9BE 6 0 53.526836 -2.02909
OL5 9BF 2 0 53.528194 -2.024065